I don’t know about the accusation that DS106 is ‘over-branded.’ I think it’s far more accurate to acknowledge that it is a definitely a cult.
To that end, I reworked this TIME magazine cover. (Next up: I want to figure out how to animate those tentacles.)
i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe.
DS106 answers yes all 100 questions listed in this cult questionnaire. What do we do now? Therapy?
not number 100 I hope
though it could be done very creatively; )
Don’t you remember the Summer of Oblivion? I was killed by Martha!
Brilliant cover, looking froward to seeing the tentacles wriggle. I actually think the branding/cult discussion is really interesting. In terms of what makes a good course, keeping disparate folk involved etc. There will always be some tension between things that make a group cohere and make it exclusive. Of course DS106 is not exclusive in fact it cult-like welcomes folk in. It is, imo, important to think about this perhaps by making rather wonderful magazine covers.
ds106 is like L. Ron Hubbard’s love child with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! I want to stop, but I can’t stop feeding the beast!
YEESSS! I am totally drinking that cool-aid.
This TOTALLY explains all the love bombing.
i love this! hahaha 🙂